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Microsoft Expression Media 2 v2.0.1477.0 x86

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Microsoft Expression Media 2 v2.0.1477.0 x86
Software|XP, Vista|32 Bit|RAR ! Size 263 MB|.Net Framwork 3.5

Download From SkyDrive Host

Password : hi-tle.spaces.live.com

Publisher's description of  Microsoft Expression Media 2

Microsoft Expression Media is a fast and easy way to view, organize, and present the growing number of images, movies, sounds, fonts, and other media files that you have created or acquired. Whether you are a student, journalist, multimedia enthusiast, or creative professional, you want to be able to organize and browse your images, movies, and documents. Expression Media enables you to do those things, as well as enabling you to modify and share your media files in almost any multimedia or document format that you want. Remark Microsoft Expression Media 2 based on
Microsoft .Net Framwork 3.5

